Sunday, October 10, 2004

Days 23-27: Munich

October 5, I arrive in Munich more than a little excited. October in Munich and I think we all know what that means... the biggest party in the world and enough beer to get a small army drunk - Oktoberfest! And then the truth hits me like Republican propaganda - Oktoberfest is in September, not October!!! Ok, so actually I knew that already and had no intention of going to Oktoberfest at all, but it's still ridiculous to call it Oktoberfest when most of it is in September. Rather, Munich was a good stop on my way south towards the Mediterranean. 4 out of 5 days of rain and clouds is enough to ruin anyone's vacation, so I decided I need to head south, maybe to Greece or Slovenia and then eventually to Turkey. Munich isn't the most direct path there from Prague, but I've always wanted to visit Neuschwanstein so Munich it was.

It turns out, Munich (sorry, Munchen) is quite nice as far as European cities go. Despite the fact that I'm positive I have seen the same exact cathedrals and squares elsewhere (still trying to figure out how the bastards moved those things while I wasn't looking), Munchen has a good balance. The Old Town is very compact and all the most important sites are within walking distance. One thing I will always remember Munchen for is the plethora of squares and plazas. I must have counted at least ten, and Munchners love to just hang out in them. If there's a square inch of grass, someone's laying on it; if there's a park bench, someone's sitting on it. Not to mention the English Gardens, the largest metropolitan park in the world. Maybe it was just because they had endured several weeks of endless rain and the first two days I was there was gorgeous, so they were out and enjoying it while they could. Regardless, it was nice to see and I enjoyed an entire afternoon at a plaza with a fountain, reading Dan Brown's Deception Point. Outside of the Old Town, Munchen is a large city with all the amenities and entertainments.

When visiting Munchen, there are three things you absolutely must do: 1) Go to the Hofbräuhaus and have a Maß beer. A total tourist trap, but being served a liter of 7.5% alcohol beer in a giant mug is something not to be missed out on. 2) Visit Neuschwanstein castle, the fairy tale castle Walt Disney based Cinderella's castle on. When you arrive there and gaze upon that amazing structure which has absolutely no business sitting on top of a high lonely mountain looking over nothing whatsoever, you are awestruck by the depth of King Ludwig II's vision and insanity. The castle itself is in very good condition, as it ought to be - it was built in 1869, brand new by European architectural standards and long after castles had become obsolete. In addition to the castle itself, most tours will take you through Oberammergau, a quaint town in the beautiful Bavarian countryside. We're talking The Sound of Music stuff here. 3) Visit Dachau, the first concentration camp in Germany. You may be uneasy about going, but go anyway. You owe it to yourself and the thousands of people who suffered and died at the concentration camps. Like the Anne Frank house in Amsterdam, it was a moving experience.

While in Munchen, I happened by a travel agency that had some good deals, so it turns out my next stop will be Palma de Mallorca, Spain. You may know its more popular cousin, Ibiza. Time to get out of the city and just relax a bit!


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