Days 53-56: Deja Vu
Exactly 52 days later, I found myself back at square one - Berlin, where this whole mad journey started. But the shadows were longer, the days colder and the city more oppressive. It was like looking Death in the face. I hated every second of it. Resented it for what it represented - the physical manifestation of the end of my trip. As soon as I stepped off the train, I lost every ounce of my drive for adventure. Confronted by the cold bleakness of Berlin, I was forced to come back down to reality.
I spent the next few days moping around. Some shopping and walking around but mostly not much of anything at all. It was almost surreal really, going from Munich to Berlin and then finally stopping over in Amsterdam. Like stepping backwards through time, retracing steps that seem so foreign now. Right there, that was the comfy chair I almost fell asleep in at Amsterdam Airport 2 months ago. I remember waxing poetic over that chair in my very first blog post, everything I came upon having a magic back in those first days, like a dream. But with a bounce-bounce-hop on the runway of Logan Airport, just like that, the dream was over.
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